The Pindari Way
Pindari’s staff are guided in their everyday work life by The Pindari Way – the values it holds as a business and the value it delivers. Integrity, Community, Accountability, Reliability and Teamwork underpin and form the foundation of ‘the way we do things at Pindari’.

Pindari is dedicated to leaving a positive impact through the work it does, how it works, the way it empowers staff and gives back to the communities in which it operates.
Pindari began with humble beginnings as a start-up company and now employs more than 370 staff. Founders Dave Pidek and Natalie Venosi named Pindari for the word’s Aboriginal meaning: ‘From the high ground’. It resonated with their personal values, work ethic and their origins. Pindari is built on strong foundations and diversity, through its people and the services it offers.
The Pindari Way guides the organisation to be the leading Aboriginal Contractor in regional WA delivering service excellence, setting new industry standards, empowering indigenous people and local communities.