Safety Performance
The following systems and procedures have been rolled out to all Pindari teams helping to ensure a standard platform is in use to improve safety outcomes through visible and engaged leaders.

- Pindari has aligned our Pre-Start Process with improved site procedures such as the installation of PSI Boards and the training and development of our Supervisors to conduct these meetings
- Development and Roll Out of Specific On-Boarding Manual for all New Employees
- Supervisor OHS Training- S44 External Training
- Critical Control Checklist Training and CRM Portal Access Granted
- 4WD Drive Safe Training Offered to all Employees
- Leadership in the Field (LiF) Safety Interactions being conducted with Operations Manager and Contract Site Representatives.
- Leadership in the Field (LiF) Safety Interactions being conducted with Site Supervisors and Team Members.
- Use of Heat Maps to conduct True Self Audits on our Systems and People.
- Introduction and Roll Out of Pindari’s Supervisor Mentor Program
- Any Critical Procedural Changes or Issues are communicated immediately.
- Lessons learned are developed and communicated to all our Teams across all sites and disciplines